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Cherished friends, family & partners

Huge THANK YOU for those who attended and contributed to our 2023 toy drive.🙏🏼 Your generosity has brought joy to thousands of children across 4+ cities in Florida.

We are truly humbled by the outpouring of love and compassion from each of you. Your dedication to making a positive difference in the lives of others is inspiring and heartwarming. Thanks to your efforts, our community has come together to spread joy and create a brighter holiday season for those in need.

Please know that your kindness has not gone unnoticed and the ripple effect of your generosity will be felt throughout our community for years to come. Your support has not only provided toys but has also instilled a sense of hope and warmth in the hearts of those who needed it most.

This is just the beginning and we extend our sincere thanks to everyone who supported and helped turn this dream into a beautiful reality!

With love,

Alpha Medicine & Rehab.

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